Michael Young talking to Herbert MütherThe launching meeting of the project Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe (GOETE) was held in Tübingen, 28 - 30th of January 2009.

The consortium came together to lay the ground for the future cooperation. Conceptual and methodical questions stood in the centre the three days event. On the 29th, the project opening was publicly celebrated by a symposium at the beautiful castle of Tübingen. This event started with greetings contributed by Herbert Müther (Vice-Rector of Research, University of Tübingen) and Manuela Alfé (European Commission, DG Research).

The keynote speaker Michael Young (Institute of Education in London, left on photo) shared his reflections on Educational policies for a knowledge society with an audiance of multidisciplinary specialists. After that, Andreas Walther (University of Tübingen) gave a short presentation on the GOETE project in general, which was followed by talks about the key issues:

  • Education on the life course, presented by Manuela du Bois-Reymond, University of Amsterdam
  • Access, inequality and diversity, Roger Dale, University of Bristol
  • Coping and support in education, Ilse Julkunen, University of Helsinki
  • Relevance of Education, Bodhan Jung, Warsaw School of Economics
  • Educational governance, Karin Amos, University of Tübingen

Between the various talks Colin Cramer put the audience into good humour with his musical contributions. After the reception the internal part of the meeting continued.