The project officially has ended in March 2013. Some follow-ups will be posted here. The
are still available for download.EU policy context
Andreas Walther
From Lisbon 2010 towards Europe 2020: EU education and training policies between continuity and change
In the past decade, educational research and policy at EU level are being used with reference to the Lisbon Strategy either affirming or criticising its objective of making Europe the most successful knowledge economy in the world and the policy priorities resulting from this. Since 2010 the Lisbon Strategy is history, not only because it was scheduled for the period from 2000 to 2010 but also because neither the overall objective nor the operative benchmarking indicators have been achieved. It needs to be said that – at latest with the mid-term reviews undertaken by the Commission - this was to be expected. So, what next?
Keynote lecture by Michael Young
Michael Young, University of London: Educational policies for a knowledge society: reflections from a sociology of knowledge perspective
The keynote lecture held at the GOETE kick-off meeting, Tübingen, 29 January 2010, gives Michael Young's reflections on developments that influence education policy-making.
GOETE project news
GOETE has taken up its way in January with a public symposium and a first meeting of all partners. In this article we summarize what has happened since then.
Launch meeting held in Tübingen
The launching meeting of the project Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe (GOETE) was held in Tübingen, 28 - 30th of January 2009.
New Publications Article Count: 12
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Project News Article Count: 29
Events Article Count: 9
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