Axel Pohl, Educationalist, coordination of European studies in the EGRIS context, fields of expertise: transition research, youth with a migration background, (urban) policies for young people. |
Axel Pohl is a researcher with the Institute for Regional Innovation and Social Research in Tübingen, Germany. He holds a diploma-degree in educational sciences and is currently doing a phD in social sciences. He has been involved in the coordination of several EU-funded studies.
Selected Publications:
- Ferreira, V.S./Pohl, A. (2012): Ethnicized youth subcultures and informal learning in transitions to work. In: Bekerman, Z./Geisen, T. (eds.): International Handbook of Migration, Minorities and Education. Springer: Dordrecht, pp. 695-710.
- Pohl, A./Stauber, B./Walther, A. (eds.) (2011): Jugend als Akteurin sozialen Wandels: Veränderte Übergangsverläufe, strukturelle Barrieren und Bewältigungsstrategien. Juventa: München and Weinheim.
- Pohl, A. (2010): Agency in Transitions from school to work: Young people from migration or ethnic minority backgrounds. In: Herrmann, P./Burgess, P. (eds.): Highways, Crossroads and Cul de sacs. Bremen: Europäischer Hochschulverlag, pp. 202-234.
- Walther, A./Stauber, B./Pohl, A. (2009): UP2YOUTH: Youth - Actor of Social Change. Final report for the UP2YOUTH project. Tübingen: IRIS.
- Pohl, A./Walther, A. (2007): Activating the disadvantaged. Variations in addressing youth transitions across Europe. In: International Journal of Lifelong Education 26(5), pp. 533–553.