The Centre for Social Psychology in the Faculty of Social Sciences deals with the analysis and evaluation of activities, practices, value orientations, and institutions of everyday life. In the project, it will collaborate with the Faculty of Education, Department for Social Pedagogy.
UL-FDW’s contribution to GOETE
In GOETE the University of Ljubljana will carry out the whole field work programme for Slovenia and be responsible core partner in work packages 4 (individual survey) and 6 (case studies). Mirjana Ule will be member of the steering committee.
Previous experience relevant to the tasks
The most relevant research experiences of the Dept. of Social Pedagogy include Reviews of Tempus Structural Measures (2003-2006), professional development of education practitioners and learning practices in South East European countries (Open Society Institute (RE:FINE), Hungary, and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Switzerland (2004-2006); Tuning Educational Structures in Europe; Curriculum development - EU, Socrates (2005-2006, Learning for Europe - Curriculum development and counselling in education, EU, Tempus (2005-2007); Advancing Educational Inclusion, Quality in SEE countries, Open Society Institute, Budapest, (2007-2009); Concepts and strategies of social-pedagogical interventions in the field of the social exclusion of youth; Systemic aspects of educational strategies and facilitation of social inclusion in education. Further, studies on youth and vulnerable groups: Social inclusion and life strategies of youth in Slovenia and Croatia (bilateral project, 2006-2007), International Self Report Study on violent behaviour, attitudes and victimisation among youth, EU, Daphne II (2006-2008), Social inclusion and psychosocial health of youth with experiences of unemployment (2003-2004), Lives of young second generation migrants in Slovenia (2000-2002), Training of students as mentors for migrant children in Europe, EU, Socrates Comenius 2.1, (2006-2009).
The Centre for Social Psychology has carried out numerous surveys on values and life styles of young people and families as well as qualitative studies on processes of family formation. It was actively involved in the EU project “Thematic Study on Policy measures concerning disadvantaged youth” and was involved in UP2YOUTH – youth actor of social change project (FP 6, 2006-2009) and EU kids online (FP 6, 2006-2009).
Team involved:
Professor for Social Pedagogy, has a long record of studies into education and social inclusion of disadvantaged. |
Professor for Social Psychology. Main research interest lies in gender, values and life course research as well as coping strategies of unemployed youth. |
Associate professor of sociology at Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana and Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska. |
Young researcher, PhD research and thesis, research and analytic work on researches in progress |
University of Ljubljana, Centre for Social Psychology (UL-FDW)