Logo University of AmsterdamThe SCO Kohnstamm Institute for Educational Research within the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences and linked to the Department of Education of the University of Amsterdam, is one of the top-ranking research centres in Europe specialising in research on education, upbringing and child welfare. More than 80 highly qualified researchers from different disciplines work at SCO Kohnstamm Institute combining basic and applied research.

UvA’s contribution to GOETE

UvA will carry out the whole empirical research in the Netherlands. It will further be responsible core partner in WP 3 (comparison of teacher training) and leader of WP 6 (case studies). Manuela du Bois-Reymond will be member of the steering committee.

Previous experience relevant to the tasks

Main research themes: information and communication technology (ICT) in education and training, inclusion of children with special needs and disadvantaged children in education, diversity and intercultural issues in teacher training. National and international projects: EU (IST) projects, the Network of Excellence Kaleidoscope on technology-enhanced learning (FP6) and European Schoolnet, the global school networks association and the European Schools Project. These projects involve both commissioned and fundamental research and are aimed at all types of education. SCO deploys a range of advice and consultancy activities for local, national and international governments. SCO maintains direct and regular contact with teachers within primary and secondary education in almost all European countries. Furthermore, SCO collaborates on a regular basis with the Max Goote expertise centre for vocational and further education. Through collaboration with Manuela du Bois-Reymond this expertise is broadened towards the themes of non-formal learning, youth biographies and families.

Team involved:

Picture of Manuela Du Bois Reymond

Manuela du Bois-Reymond

Manuela du Bois-Reymond is Prof. of Education emeritus of Leiden University/NL.

Sjoerd Karsten

Sjoerd Karsten

Sjoerd Karsten is Professor on Educational Policy and Administration of Vocational and Adult Education at the University of Amsterdam.

Picture of Hülya Altinyelken

Hülya Kosar Altinyelken

Hülya Kosar Altinyelken is a lecturer at the Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development Studies and researcher at the Department of Child Development and Education at the University of Amsterdam.


SCO Kohnstamm Instituut